Whether you know it as Orchard Park, Orchard Gardens or just plain old OP, this neighborhood has never been a stranger to crime. Over the years the Orchard community and MPDC has made tremendous strides to fight against violence and we are happy to share that our efforts are working. With help from the Boston Police Department (area B2) we were able to compile the crime data for the Lower Roxbury/Dudley Square area and it shows that crime is down this year compared to years prior.
There is a 300% decrease in homicides compared to last year at this time, a 63% decrease in assault and battery and a 24% decrease in robbery and aggravated assault. It is data like this that continues to feed our efforts for a safer community, because it is possible. If you would like to join us in continuing to make our communities better, please feel free to contact Gina San Inocencio, the Orchard Gardens Community Organizer at 617-849-6236.
As always, our Orchard Public Safety meeting takes place the 3rd Thursday of every month at the Orchard Gardens Community Center on 2 Dearborn Street. We want to thank everyone who has helped in our efforts and we will continue to work towards making our communities safer and invite you to join us!